Posts Tagged ‘pharmaceutical grade supplements’

4 New Reasons to Get Excited About Supplements

March 11, 2009

       One of the things I like most about the Nutritional Supplements industry is that there is always something exciting happening. Besides our new website and the fact that New Performance products will soon be available retail, I wanted to let you in on 4 other really amazing advancements in the category. They are: Kre-Karbolyn Nitric Oxide Matrix, Kre-Alkalyn, D-Ribose/Malic Acid, and L-Glutamine. Each of these new wonder supplements has a specific job for a specific person. And if you get them from New Performance, they’ll also be 98% pure, pharmaceutical grade. 

 For the Athlete: We all know that “bread is the staff of life,” or rather that carbohydrates are the staff for life as an athlete. Kre-Karbolyn Nitric Oxide Matrix is the best supplement to get those carbs quickly manufactured and accessible to working muscles. Kre-Karbolyn acts like a pump by forcing carbs, water and nutrients through the stomach to facilitate immediate support to muscle growth and recovery. The intense sensation of muscle expansion that is experienced with weight lifting is produced by Nitric Acid. Muscle enlargement and reduced muscular stress are both fast and safe advantages to the intake of Kre-Karbolyn Nitric Oxide Matrix.


Also for the athlete, there’s Kre-Alkalyn Creatine, which benefits those who perform at high-intensity levels by speeding up their production of ATP (the transporter of chemical energy within cells) during short, explosive periods of activity. Kre-Alkalyn operates like creatine but it absorbs into your body at pH levels of 17 and 18 which is a patented and trademark formulation. The major benefit is that it does not break down and produce the same negative side-effects of stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, muscle cramps or weight gain.


For the Fatigued: No one ever wants to experience an energy crisis. But most of us do, especially around 4pm each day. The supplement D-Ribose has the ability to stimulate the release of adrenaline, increase strength in heart and muscle tissue, and minimize levels of fatigue by flooding the body with the fuel necessary for full recovery – especially after exercise. In cases of fibromyalgia, where fatigue is accompanied by soreness or pain, the supplement D-Ribose along with Malic Acid works to maintain the oxygen levels in your muscles and improve your cells production of ATP. This product is used widely in all sporting activities to enhance performance. I recommend it anybody.


For pretty much Everyone: Glutamine is the body’s most abundant amino acid and makes up 61% of skeletal tissue. With such a vital role in the body’s infrastructure, everyone from the professional athlete to the stay-at-home Mom should always maintain a high level of glutamine in their body. L-Glutamine is a pure supplement designed to keep your Glutamine levels at their optimum. Taking L-Glutamine benefits the immune system, oxidation of blood, preservation of muscle, overall health of the intestinal system, quickens injury recovery, and strengthens mental awareness and memory.


I know we all work hard on our diets and fitness to obtain our healthiest self. But, often times, there are additional measures that should be taken to help keep our bodies running at their finest. Kre-Karbolyn Nitric Oxide Matrix, Kre-Alkalyn Creatine, D-Ribose/Malic Acid, and L-Glutamine currently sit at the top of my list to help you get there. As always, if you’re interested in finding out more about these 4 new supplements, or any of our 98% pure, pharmaceutical grade products, feel free to visit us at



Beware of Misleading Nutrition Labels

February 13, 2009

nutritionlabelThere is so much confusion out there about which supplements to take to improve and maintain health that I’ve decided to write a series of posts on how to read and understand nutrition labels. Today, in part one, I’ll be discussing the advantages of pharmaceutical grade supplements, and what the difference is between them and the others, especially for those that suffer with digestive health issues. In today’s economy, it is more important than ever to make sure you are getting what you pay for, and unfortunately, that isn’t always the case when you are purchasing a cheaper brand of supplement or vitamin.


What are Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements?

Supplements that say pharmaceutical grade on the nutrition label are 98% pure. This means, for example, if you are trying to improve your digestive health by taking a supplement that contains 50 mg of Magnesium Malate in it, you will get at least 49 mg of the product in its pure form. Not only that, the product will contain virtually no added starches or fillers, which only serve to disrupt your digestion even more. On the other hand, a vitamin that doesn’t say pharmaceutical grade supplement on the label can have a variance of 30%-33%, which means it can claim to have no added starches and fillers but in actuality contain up to 33%. Moreover, this large variance also pertains to the amount of the vitamin or mineral you are taking to supposedly improve your health. So that great deal you thought you got on your vitamins turns out to be a total waste of your money, and even worse, it can actually be doing your body more harm than good.


Cheaper, lower grade supplements have a low absorption rate and tax your liver, kidney and endocrine system because they now have to use more energy to filter out the added fillers they contain. On top of that, if you are a person that suffers from poor digestive health, you may find yourself getting bloated and gassy because the cheaper brands, unbeknownst to you, contain products that your body can’t break down. Because these lower grade minerals and vitamins have less of the actual product you thought you were purchasing, they can sell them much cheaper. That’s why you see so many health stores advertising special deals like $6.00 for 60 pills. But these so-called deals are just a big waste of money because you are getting no health benefit from these supplements at all. Pharmaceutical grade supplements may look more expensive at first glance, but when you realize that you are actually getting exactly what the label says, you understand that it is really a much better deal.


Another option is supplements that say GMP on the nutrition label. GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practices, and these minerals and vitamins have a variance of 10%. So they aren’t as good as pharmaceutical grade supplements, but they are much better for your health than the cheaper, lower grade brands. Another example of how misleading nutrition labels can be is Whey Protein Powder. You may buy a protein powder that claims to be 100% whey; but if it doesn’t say pharmaceutical grade or GMP on the label it only means that the whey that is in the container is 100%, not that the container is 100% whey. So, for example, if you bought a two pound container of protein powder that says 100% whey but isn’t pharmaceutical grade, you could actually have 70% of whey in the container while the rest of the 30% is nothing more than fillers, which among other things, can be very disruptive to your digestive health.


I know how frustrating it is to try your best to take care of your health, only to find out you are being mislead or confused into thinking something is better for you than it really is. At New Performance Nutrition, we make and sell only pharmaceutical grade supplements, so you can be sure you are getting exactly what you need. Unfortunately, not every nutrition center or health food store can promise you that. So, if you don’t purchase your supplements through us, make sure you read the nutrition label and find ones that specifically say pharmaceutical grade or GMP on them. Your body and your wallet will thank you for it.


Make sure to check back next week, when I post part two of this series. Until then, if you have any questions or suggestions on what to add to this series, please add them to our comment section. And if you want to learn more about pharmaceutical grade supplements, please visit us at

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How to Fight the Cold and Flu and Win

February 9, 2009

coldfluIt’s that time of year again; the dreaded cold and flu season. As if I needed more proof of this, three of my clients are home sick as I write this. Health is something we all think about, but never more so than when we are laid out with a bad cold or a debilitating flu ourselves. But take heart because there are powerful foods and supplements you can take advantage of that will help you fight off what ails you.


Just to drive my point home, “anywhere from 5% to 20% of Americans get the flu each year, and more than 200,000 end up being hospitalized,” according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and many more than that will wrangle with a cold or two this year as well. The best thing you can do to ensure you aren’t part of this statistic is to keep yourself in optimal health, as this will help you prevent getting sick at all. Getting a healthy amount of antioxidants into your diet is one of the best ways to stay at your peak performance. And better yet, if you combine a healthy diet with specific pharmaceutical grade supplements, you will protect yourself even more.


Before I discuss the best way to incorporate antioxidants into your diet, let’s take a look at what they are and why they help maintain health. In an article for, Gloria Tsang, RD writes:


“antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as “free radical scavengers” and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals.

 Health problems such as heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes, cancer etc are all contributed by oxidative damage. Indeed, a recent study conducted by researchers from London found that 5 servings of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of stroke by 25 percent. Antioxidants may also enhance immune defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection.”


So you see how important these nutrients are to our bodies. The free radical damage Ms. Tsang talks about that contribute to much more serious diseases also contribute to that nasty cold you got or the flu you may get this season. The good thing is that it is easy to get these substances through our food. As mentioned above, antioxidants are found in large supply in vegetables and fruits. Some of the best fruits you can eat to help prevent getting sick are berries of any variety, and the best part is they taste so good. Now, if you combine this healthier way of eating with pharmaceutical grade supplements, you have a really powerful tool in fighting against ill health.


The best combinations of supplements you can take to ward off the cold or help shorten the duration of the flu are Zinc, Magnesium and Calcium along with a good multivitamin. Magnesium is one of the most depleted minerals in our body, and it is vital for our immune system, so in order to help maintain good health, you should take a supplement that combines Magnesium with Zinc, which helps provide your body with a restful sleep and Calcium, which plays a crucial role in other systems of the body, such as the health and functioning of nerves and muscle tissue. At New Performance Nutrition, we offer pharmaceutical grade supplements, which is important because these are the highest, purest doses of vitamins and minerals you can get without a prescription. If you buy these over-the-counter, you are more than likely getting a watered down version that will have little to no affect on you at all. This is why I hear so many clients saying that vitamins never help them prevent sickness. But if you take the proper supplements, in the strongest, purest form and you take them correctly, you will see a big difference.


Nothing is our lives is worth living for, if we don’t have our health. Being sick is no fun, to be sure. At best it’s annoying, at worst it can interfere with you daily life and even become life threatening. We all think we have to just suffer through a cold and bide our time to allow the flu to work its way out of our system, but you can do something to help prevent them at all, or at least alleviate the suffering you go through. A healthy diet filled with antioxidants, combined with pharmaceutical grade supplements are two of the best weapons you have. What about you? What have you tried and found that works to fight the cold and flu? Please leave your comments, suggestions and questions about your experiences in health.


If you want anymore information on what pharmaceutical grade supplements are and how they work, please visit us at

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